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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:58 am 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2015 1:14 am
Posts: 43
can someone help.. im trying to get Ashitacast to low my XLM but it keep saying "file cannot be open or found" I downloaded script ..what am I doing wrong? I put the xlm file on Doc --> Ashitacast.

Here's my script that I download from the internet.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
MYNAME's SAM script for Ashitacast
v1.14, 03/20/14

* Changed /bow to /archery as it was interfering with the /bow emote.
* Added a settings tag in light of changes introduced in Ashitacast 1.25.

To do:
* Figure in subjob-specific gear (wyvern earring, for example.) Make use of
the "event" tags under includes so this is only pulled out of storage when
specifically requested.
* Consider separate TP gearsets that are equipped based on what weapon is
currently equipped.
* The commands to activate special sets (evasion, PDT, etc.) needs cleaning up.
* Ashitacast does not actually cancel Utsusemi shadows "mid cast" as the tag
below may suggest, but right as the spell starts casting. This could leave
the caster vulnerable during mid-cast. I am not sure how to fix this. Also,
it would be best to define a variable that stores which Utsusemi was cast
last so that Ichi only casts shadows if Ni was cast last. This would prevent
shadows from being cancelled unless absolutely necessary.
<set name="Idle">
<head>Fancy Spectacles</head>
<neck>Orochi Nodowa +1</neck>
<lear>Elusive Earring</lear>
<rear>Elusive Earring</rear>
<body>Hara-Ate +1</body>
<hands>Ochiudo's Kote</hands>
<lring>Wivre Ring +1</lring>
<rring>Wivre Ring +1</rring>
<back>Corse Cape</back>
<waist>Scouter's Rope</waist>
<legs>Shm. Haidate</legs>
<feet>Sune-Ate +1</feet>
<set name="Ammo">
<ammo>White Tathlum</ammo>
<set name="Bow">
<range>Shigeto Bow +1</range>
<ammo>Kabura Arrow</ammo>
<set name="Evasion" baseset="Idle">
<head>Wivre Mask +1</head>
<neck>Evasion Torque</neck>
<body>Hydra Mail +1</body>
<hands>Rasetsu Tekko +1</hands>
<legs>Hydra Cuisses +1</legs>
<feet>Hydra Greaves +1</feet>
<set name="MDT" baseset="Evasion">
<head>Hydra Mask +1</head>
<lear>Ronin Earring</lear>
<rear>Merman's Earring</rear>
<hands>Hydra Fng. Gnt. +1</hands>
<lring>Merman's Ring</lring>
<rring>Merman's Ring</rring>
<back>Lamia Mantle +1</back>
<set name="PDT" baseset="Evasion">
<head>Arh. Jinpachi +1</head>
<body>Arhat's Gi +1</body>
<hands>Dst. Mittens +1</hands>
<set name="TP">
<head>Walahra Turban</head>
<neck>Chivalrous Chain</neck>
<rear>Attila's Earring</rear>
<body>Haubergeon +1</body>
<hands>Dusk Gloves +1</hands>
<lring>Toreador's Ring</lring>
<rring>Ecphoria Ring</rring>
<back>Cuchulain's Mantle</back>
<waist>Sonic Belt +1</waist>
<legs>Shm. Haidate</legs>
<feet>Dusk Ledelsens +1</feet>
<set name="TP-Bow" baseset="TP">
<neck>Ancient Torque</neck>
<rear>Merman's Earring</rear>
<rring>Toreador's Ring</rring>
<feet>Hmn. Sune-Ate +1</feet>
<set name="Haste">
<head>Walahra Turban</head>
<hands>Dusk Gloves +1</hands>
<waist>Sonic Belt +1</waist>
<feet>Dusk Ledelsens +1</feet>
<set name="Ranged">
<head>Hydra Mask +1</head>
<rear>Tmph. Earring +1</rear>
<body>Hydra Mail +1</body>
<lring>Merman's Ring</lring>
<rring>Merman's Ring</rring>
<back>Cuchulain's Mantle</back>
<waist>Warwolf Belt</waist>
<legs>Oily Trousers</legs>
<feet>Hydra Greaves +1</feet>
<set name="WS-STR">
<head>Wyvern Helm +1</head>
<neck>Ire Torque +1</neck>
<rear>Tmph. Earring +1</rear>
<body>Hmn. Domaru +1</body>
<hands>Alkyoneus's Brc.</hands>
<lring>Harmonius Ring</lring>
<rring>Harmonius Ring</rring>
<back>Cerb. Mantle +1</back>
<waist>Warwolf Belt</waist>
<legs>Abtal Zerehs</legs>
<feet>Hmn. Sune-Ate +1</feet>
<set name="WS-ACC" baseset="TP">
<head>Hydra Mask +1</head>
<hands>Hydra Fng. Gnt. +1</hands>
<rring>Toreador's Ring</rring>
<waist>Cuchulain's Belt</waist>
<legs>Oily Trousers</legs>
<feet>Hmn. Sune-Ate +1</feet>
<!-- Note to self: Put the Myochin Kabuto here when acquired. -->
<set name="Meditate">
<head>Myochin Kabuto</head>
<hands>Saotome Kote</hands>
<!-- For items not explicitly defined in gearswap sets above -->
<!-- but needed in inventory while this script is active. -->
<!-- (e.g. main-hand weapons, ammo, potions, etc.) -->
<!-- Ammunition -->
<item quantity="all">Kabura Arrow</item>
<item quantity="all">Kabura Quiver</item>
<!-- Main-hand weapons -->
<item>Engetsuto +1</item>
<item>Iron Ram Lance</item>
<item>Soboro Sukehiro</item>
<!-- Grips -->
<item>Pole Grip</item>
<!-- Ranged weapons -->
<item>Shigeto Bow +1</item>
<!-- Ammo-slot equips -->
<var name="BowActive">0</var>
<var name="EvasionSetActive">0</var>
<var name="MDTSetActive">0</var>
<var name="PDTSetActive">0</var>
<!-- Evasion set toggle -->
<cmd input="/evasion">
<setvar name="MDTSetActive" value="0"/>
<setvar name="PDTSetActive" value="0"/>
<if advanced="$EvasionSetActive=0">
<setvar name="EvasionSetActive" value="1"/>
<addtochat color="57">Evasion set enabled!</addtochat>
<setvar name="EvasionSetActive" value="0"/>
<addtochat color="57">Evasion set disabled.</addtochat>
<!-- MDT set toggle -->
<cmd input="/mdt">
<setvar name="EvasionSetActive" value="0"/>
<setvar name="PDTSetActive" value="0"/>
<if advanced="$MDTSetActive=0">
<setvar name="MDTSetActive" value="1"/>
<addtochat color="57">MDT set enabled!</addtochat>
<setvar name="MDTSetActive" value="0"/>
<addtochat color="57">MDT set disabled.</addtochat>
<!-- PDT set toggle -->
<cmd input="/pdt">
<setvar name="EvasionSetActive" value="0"/>
<setvar name="MDTSetActive" value="0"/>
<if advanced="$PDTSetActive=0">
<setvar name="PDTSetActive" value="1"/>
<addtochat color="57">PDT set enabled!</addtochat>
<setvar name="PDTSetActive" value="0"/>
<addtochat color="57">PDT set disabled.</addtochat>
<!-- Type /bow to switch out ammo gear for bow and arrows. -->
<cmd input="/archery">
<if advanced="$BowActive=0">
<setvar name="BowActive" value="1"/>
<addtochat color="57">Bow and arrows equipped!</addtochat>
<equip set="Bow"/>
<setvar name="BowActive" value="0"/>
<addtochat color="57">Ammo gear equipped!</addtochat>
<equip set="Ammo"/>
<!-- For personal testing. -->
<cmd input="/debug"/>
<if advanced="$EvasionSetActive=1">
<equip set="Evasion"/>
<elseif advanced="$MDTSetActive=1">
<equip set="MDT"/>
<elseif advanced="$PDTSetActive=1">
<equip set="PDT"/>
<if p_status="engaged">
<if advanced="$BowActive=1">
<equip set="TP-Bow"/>
<equip set="TP"/>
<equip set="Idle"/>
<equip set="Ranged"/>
<!-- Evasion gear is equipped during Utsusemi, with Haste gear also for Ni. -->
<if ad_name="Utsusemi*">
<equip set="Evasion"/>
<if ad_name="*Ni">
<equip set="Haste"/>
<if ad_name="Monomi*|Tonko*">
<equip set="Haste"/>
<if ad_name="Monomi*">
<command>/cancel 71</command>
<elseif ad_name="Utsusemi: Ichi">
<!-- Cancels shadows if... -->
<if buffactive="66">
<!-- One is shadow left -->
<command>/cancel 66</command>
<elseif buffactive="444">
<!-- Two shadows are left -->
<command>/cancel 444</command>
<!-- Three are shadows left -->
<command>/cancel 445</command>
<if ad_name="Meditate">
<equip set="Meditate"/>
<elseif ad_name="Warding Circle">
<head>Myochin Kabuto</head>
<elseif ad_name="Spectral Jig">
<command>/cancel 71</command>
<if ad_name="Tachi: Yukikaze|Tachi: Gekko|Tachi: Kasha">
<equip set="WS-STR"/>
<equip set="WS-ACC"/>


PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:35 pm 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2015 1:14 am
Posts: 43
Can anyone help please why Ashitacast keep saying "xxx_THF either does not exist or could not be open"

I changed the file to .xml and put it under Ashitacast.. any idea please what im doing wrong


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