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Because we have moved hosts and forum software, you will need to register again and make a new account on our new forums.
Never fear though! XiClaim is now free to compensate our users for this inconvenience!

EliteMMO Network Administration

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:20 pm 
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Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:16 am
Posts: 1832
Hello everyone,

We are getting to the point that XiClaim is going to be discontinued. As stated before in recent months, XiClaim was deemed feature locked and no further development was going to happen to it other then maintaining it. I landed up doing this because of a few reasons:

  1. XiClaim is old. Very very old. It is built on old .NET framework technologies, it's coded in multiple languages, and overall it is bloated with fairly bad code, thrown together to work. Being written in multiple languages makes XiClaim very annoying to maintain as I do not code in Vb.NET and some of the core features of the bot are written in it. So fixing and maintaining it is kind of annoying. (It also doesn't help that a lot of the Vb.NET code is very poorly written.)
  2. I do not play the game. This makes it very hard to work on and test new features and ensure they will work on retail. I have limited access to a retail account and private servers do not have every feature of the game working to build on.
  3. I have a life. Since I do not play the game, it makes it hard to balance time for the bot with my real life. Within the last year, I have moved twice and am now engaged. :) So my free time is slowly becoming non-existent.

However, XiClaim is to the point where I am sick of fixing it. Putting band-aid's on an open wound does not fix the problem.
It is going to continue to keep being a problem until the root cause is fixed. With that, I am officially discontinuing XiClaim in the coming months.

What does this mean for you?

In the next few months, I will be slowly replacing XiClaim with stand-alone applications that will fully replace the original application. However this does mean that some things will be removed entirely and not replaced. I do have plans to replace specific parts of the bot, and not others.

Here is a list of what is currently planned:
  • Claimbot -> No plans on replacing. This is the least used feature of XiClaim.
  • Buffbot -> No plans on replacing. This can be done via a script by someone else.
  • Craftbot -> Plans to replace with a stand-alone application.
  • Fishbot -> Plans to replace with a stand-alone application.
  • Navigationbot -> No plans on replacing currently. We'll see though, may make a stand-alone application.
  • Mapped/Overlay Radars -> No plans on replacing. ApRadar is open source and free.
  • Script Engine -> Plans to replace with a stand-alone application.
(Keep in mind this list is not final and things may change!)

What's coming first?

I have been "secretly" working on the new fishbot and backend API for the new applications.
With that, the fishbot will be the first released stand-alone application.
I have dubbed the application 'FantasyFisher'.

Here is a sneak peak of what it looks like so far:
Image Image

Again this is not final on the look as it is still being developed.

Please Note:
Members that have donated to the EliteMMO Network will have first chance at beta testing this applications before they are released fully to the public!
These applications will be free, however I do want to do some beta testing before pushing them fully to the public so I have decided to release it to the donators first.
If you would like to get into the beta testing of this and the other new applications to come, feel free to donate. :)

EliteMMO Network Administration

EliteMMO Network Administration

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