Hello everyone,
Been a while since we had a news post since not too much to talk about going on currently.
For those asking in Discord and in pm's, yes Clipper and the other tools are all working great still with the latest retail client. Most private servers should work fine with the tools as well that keep (somewhat) up to date with retail's client (current DSP pulls etc.).
I do have a few plans for EliteMMO Network in the near future to cleanup the forums a bit and to reorganize some things.
Here is a list of some of the planned things to come for the site/forum:
- Fixing the notorious 0002 error with the donation tools setup due to a Windows 10 bug. (This is the highest priority when things start happening.)
- Overhaul of the front website with up to date information and pictures of the available tools.
- Overhaul of the forums to remove dead sections, cleanup some stickies/announcements and such.
- Easier to understand instructions when first donating and setting things up to help people get right into using the tools.
- Disabling donations unless you are registered and signed in, to help stream-line the process of being activated. (Activation will still be done manually by me, but if you are registered and signed in when you donate, I already get all the needed info via Paypal so I can activate people easier that way.)
- And other behind the scenes things for the server backend.
Thanks again for everyone's continued support of my work and tools over the years.
EliteMMO Network Administration
EliteMMO Network AdministrationEnjoy my work and wish to support me directly?Follow me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/atom0s---
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