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Because we have moved hosts and forum software, you will need to register again and make a new account on our new forums.
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EliteMMO Network Administration

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:42 am 
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Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:16 am
Posts: 1838
Hello everyone,

I have setup a new documentational wiki for the new EliteAPI that has been released. This wiki will contain all the information needed to understand how to make use of the new EliteAPI for your own personal applications. This API is designed to be as user-friendly as possible and the EliteMMO.API.dll managed wrapper for those that wish to code in C# and Vb.NET should be able to jump in too! This is the same API used in the new applications being released on the EliteMMO Network to slowly replace and phase out XiClaim.

The Documentation Wiki

You can find the new documentation wiki here:

Keep in mind this is a work in progress as I slowly write all the documentation by hand. I will be doing this over the next few weeks or so, including information about the new applications being released and other applications that are maintained by me or other EliteMMO Network developers.

This wiki is specifically for documentational purposes of the EliteMMO Network applications and API only so it will not be open to public edits. If you find any problems on the wiki, such as invalid information, outdated information, typos, missing info, etc. feel free to send me a private message about it and I will get it fixed asap.

New Forum Sections

As you may have noticed, I have made new forum sections for the new EliteAPI and FantasyFisher application. These are for the new API and applications being released. I will have another section up soon for the new script engine, FantasyScript. (More info below!)

You can use these sections for any questions, comments, concerns, feedback, bug reports, etc that you may have with the given topic at hand. Please be sure to read any sticky topics before making a post!


Within the next week or so, I will be releasing the beta version of the new script engine, FantasyScript. This is a full replacement to the script engine located within XiClaim. This script engine is fully coded from the ground up using no code from the old engine. The new script engine makes use of the new EliteAPI and EliteMMO.API wrapper. This should make scripting much easier for users.

Along with this, the new script engine has several new and useful features to help developers work in a single environment more easily. While this is not a full IDE replacement, it should be more comfortable to work with than the old script engine was.


At this time, the only feature that is really missing from the editor is intellisense. I will be trying to work on an implementation in my spare time for this as it is a much helpful feature to have. But otherwise, the editor is fully functional in terms of syntax highlighting, folding, and formatting for C# code.

Here is a list of some features of the script engine to look forward to:
  • Fully recoded from the ground up, using WPF for a cleaner, sleeker UI.
  • New syntax editor; no more stupid annoying bugs and errors with the old one!
  • Saved Scripts tool window; automatically monitors your Scripts folder for new files, changes, etc.
  • Output window for build and runtime information of a script.
  • Error List for compiling warnings and errors.
  • Compile Mode - A new feature to simply compile a script to test for warnings and errors without actually running the script.
  • AppDomain separated scripting! Run your scripts fully from separate app domains. No more getting stuck in memory and having to restart the application to update/edit a script!
  • EliteAPI integration. The script engine fully integrates the EliteAPI via the EliteMMO.API.dll managed wrapper.

As said, I hope to have a beta release this week of the new script engine. :)

EliteMMO Network Administration

EliteMMO Network Administration

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