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 Post subject: Some Recent Questions
PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:05 pm 
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Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:16 am
Posts: 1832
Hello everyone,

Since last night, I have received a few questions from various people regarding the new addition to the Terraria applications.
That said, I want to cover a few of those questions to help people understand some things.

Q. Can we donate just directly to you (atom0s) and get TSGE and other Terraria applications on EliteMMO?
A. No need. I am atom0s/Wiccaan. I go by both alias'. Wiccaan is the old alias I have gone by for years. However, I started using atom0s a while back after leaving the FFXi scene for a while. So by donating to EliteMMO, you are directly donating to me, atom0s / Wiccaan.

Q. What else do we get by donating?
A. If you are here for TSGE, then welcome! By donating, you will gain access to all of the donation-only content on this site. You can read more about other donation perks as well here: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=126
For Terraria, you will have access to: TSGE, tBypass and my updated version of toxy (not yet released). And more possible applicationsi n the future.

Q. How much is needed to be donated to gain access?
A. $25 - You can read more about the donation requirement and information in the topics here: viewforum.php?f=42

Q. I donated but don't have access, what gives?
A. Donations are activated by hand. I do them all manually. This means that you will have to wait til I'm home and at my computer to activate your donation. This usually does not take more then a few hours (if that) as I'm usually home a lot. Also, you can speed up your donation activation by sending me a private message stating your Paypal email address and the transaction id of the donation.

Q. Why can't I get TSGE for free?
A. Given how the community was when I was actively developing my tools for Terraria, I am no longer giving things to the community without some kind of compensation for my time. I spent a good while working on all my applications for Terraria for little to nothing in return. Aside from that anytime a tool broke, I got hammered with Steam invites, emails, comments on forums etc. all complaining that it was broken and that I 'HAD' to fix it as if they were entitled to tell me what to do. I am not interested in that childish style of releasing.

Q. Will I have access to future updates? Do I need to donate again later for updated versions?
A. Yes you will have full access to all future updates. And no you do not need to donate again (unless you want to). Donations are a one time thing. Once you have donated the initial $25 you gain access to the donation section of this site for the life of the website. This means anytime things are updated you will have access.

Hopefully that should cover the main questions I've been getting. :) Feel free to send me a private message if you wish to ask anything else.

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