Hello everyone,
Several users have recently reported that some applications have started to not work for them after a recent set of Windows updates that were pushed. This has been reported to affect both Windows 10 and 11. At this time, the fault lies with Microsoft pushing updates that are breaking various applications. (Not just apps posted on this site or related to FFXI.)
You can fix this issue by rolling back / uninstalling the following updates:
- KB5018410 (Windows 10) - KB5018418 (Windows 11) - KB5018419 (Windows 10)
Users have reported that the following apps posted on this site were affected by this problem:
- CurePlease - EasyFarm - Scripted
Because these apps all rely on EliteApi it is assumed something in these updates is causing a bug/issue with EliteApi. However, since the API works perfectly fine without these updates, the issue is not on our end to fix. Microsoft will need to issue newer/fixed updates that stop breaking random applications when these updates are installed.
Various sites have reported all kinds of applications breaking such as: email clients, printer software, printer drivers, VPN software, most software making use of older SSL / TLS, remote desktop software, and much more.
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